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Chicago Hyde Park Village

5500 S Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637

HomeRequest a Service

The Chicago Hyde Park Village is a vibrant, diverse, and intergenerational community that brings volunteers together with older members to learn from and care for each other. Volunteers of all ages, including many who are members of the Village, respond to requests made by members for help with a ride to a medical appointment, assistance with grocery shopping, or by connecting with one another through a friendly conversation. While some services that are very time intensive are limited to CHPV members, others are open to everyone. 

For more information or to request a specific service, call 773-363-1933, 773-441-8457 or email

We ask for three business days notice for transportation requests.

We rely on volunteers to provide rides, so the earlier the request is received, the easier it is for us to accommodate your request.